Monday 31 October 2011

Cloud Computing Introduction

Cloud Computing:
Providing everything as a service, simply we can say that doing your digitized work through cloud (Internet), without having any software and hardware just by having internet alone. Everything can be accessed through cloud, from the data to the application(which manipulates the data), where they are maintained in the central remote server.
Simple Characteristic:

·         Autonomic computing
·         Client –Server model
·         Grid Computing
·         Mainframe computer
·         Utility computing
·         Peer to Peer

Great examples for this are Google, Yahoo , Zoho Office and Amazon


1)       Web-based cloud computing

2)       Software as Service
Providing Application as service such as (accounting, collaboration, customer relationship management (CRM), enterprise resource planning (ERP),  invoicing, human resource management (HRM), content management (CM) and service desk management).
SaaS has been incorporated into the strategy of all leading enterprise software companies.

3)    Platform as Service

Providing Platform (installing the application without cost of buying and managing the platform- virtual platform)

4)      Infrastructure as Service

Providing Storage , networking  and  hosting service

5)    Managed Service

Managed service is an application exposed to IT rather than to end-users, such as a virus scanning service for e-mail or an application monitoring service (which Mercury, among others, provides). Managed security services delivered by SecureWorks, IBM, and Verizon fall into this category, as do such cloud-based anti-spam services as Postini, recently acquired by Google. Other offerings include desktop management services, such as those offered by CenterBeam or Everdream.

6)     Service commerce
Providing online transactions, fund transferring application (API) like Yahoo finance, Google finance and other banking APIs to transfer fund